Specific Program Objectives
- Help couples/parents and individuals achieve their desired number and timing for spacing children
- Responsible Parenting
- Promote Healthy Lifestyle
- Promote positive and responsible sexual behaviors among adolescents
Why do we need a population program ?
What is meant by Family-Planning ?
Frequent asked
Questions in Population Management program
Specific Program Objectives
Specific Program Objectives
- Contribute policies and programs
- Attain population growth
- Distribute and facilitate sustainable socio-economic and Human development
What is Philippine Population Management Program (PPMP)?
What is meant by Responsible Parenthood ?
The Philippine Population Management Program Plans
To Contribute and Improve the quality of life of all ''FILIPINOS''
- Responsible Parenting
- Health and Education
- Attainment of population outcomes
- Harmony with available resources
- Sustainable environmental conditions
- Reduction of poverty
- Inequalities in human Development opportunities
Responsible Parenthood, as defined in the Directional Plan of POPCOM, IS THE:
- Will and Ability of parents to respond to the needs and aspirations of the family and children
- Shared responsibility of the husband and the wife to determine and achieve the desired number, spacing, and
- Timing of their children according to their own family life aspirations, taking into account psychological preparedness, health status, socio-cultural, and economic concerns.
The Philippine population management program