The Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
Least Restrictive Environment
- Required by Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1975, then reauthorized in 2004.
- Several court cases based on students in the LRE.
- Howard,P. (2004). The Least Restrictive Environment: How to tell?.Journal of Law and Education,33(2),167-180.
- MCgovern,Megan.(2015). Least Restrictive Environment:Fulfilling the promises of IDEA. Widener Law Review 21, no 1:117-137.
- Rueda,R.,Gallego,M.A.(2000). The Least Restrictive Environment:A Place of a Context?. Remedial& Special Education,21(2),70.
What is the least restrictive environment?
IDEA " guarantees students with disabilities access to a free,appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment with accommodating supports and services".
How to determine the LRE?
- Students with disabilities should be educated in the same setting as their non-disable peers.
- All students should be educated in a general education classroom unless otherwise noted.
Advantages and Disadvantages of the least restrictive environment
Emily is a fourth grade student at Cicero Elementary. She at grade level in science and math. However, she is severely below grade level in reading due to her Autism.
Where should Emily be placed?