Where we left off in May...
Application Development
BIT Curriculum Framework Revisited
Staff meeting: October 21, 2011.
Some background...
2008 Program Reveiw and Environmental Scan
Key points from scan:
Of 51 programs:
- most significant challenge is declining enrollment
- 2008 first wait-list in 5 year (trend?)
- demand for grads in Manitoba increasing
- stil not attracting females
- RRC one of very few offering PowerBuilder
- only institutions with large student base could support streams
- only larger centres could support stream grads
January 2011: Curriculum Steering Committee
BIT Curriculum Revview
- Framework for delivery
- Content delivery
Next steps?
- We're here because no consensus last time
- Revive Curriculum Committee?
- Need to be completed by CIPS accreditation
- My preference is one program, no streams
- We were very close at one point
- Not as much networking as in stream, but close
- Prefer 3 fixed common streams
- What do we need to do to get there
- Networking people: how much do students need to be competitive?
- How can we not bury those not cut out for application development?