Sir Walter Raleigh's Time Line
1552 - 1618
Raleigh is released from prison to lead a second expedition to Guiana. But when his men destroy the Spanish Village of Santo Tome de Guyana-a fight that killed Raleigh's son-his fate was sealed
In 1578, he sails with Sir Humphrey Gilbert (half brother) to America. He was the Captain of one of the seven ships, his ship was called the Falcon. This trip failed for unknown reasons
Raleigh is Knighted in 1585
After serving in the Queen's army in Ireland, he received Knighthood. He also received trade privileges and the right to colonize America
Because of the actions against the Spanish settlement, Raleigh's death sentence is reinstated as soon as he returns to England
In 1584, he makes an attempt at colonization in America on Roanoke Island. This proves to be unsustainable. He will attempt again years later.
In 1587 Raleigh names land in North America "Virginia"
Called Virginia in honor of Queen Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen. The land was from North Carolina to present day Florida
In 1591, Raleigh secretly marries one of the Queen's ladies in waiting, Elizabeth Throckmorton.
Such was the Queen's anger, that the she ordered the imprisonment of Raleigh and he was ridiculed by the Royal Court until 1597.
However, rather than bide his time, Raleigh set off on a series of explorations. His main aim was to find El Dorado, the legendary city of untold wealth.
Also during this time Raleigh had a great ship commissioned, called the Ark Raleigh. The Queen later bought this ship and renammed it Ark Royal.
Raleigh is beheaded at the Palace of Westminster on October 29, 1618. His embalmed head is presented to his wife
Sir Walter Raleigh was probably born in 1552, though the date is not quite certain. His birthplace was Hayes Barton, East Budleigh, England
As a young adult, he briefly attended Oriel College in Oxford, England in 1568
While in prison, Raleigh writes The History of the World
King James l accuses Raleigh of treason. Raleigh is found guilty of plotting against the King, but does not receive a death sentence. He receives live in prison
Sir Walter Raleigh 1552 or 1554