Launching the ELA/ELD Framework K-3
Writing Time
Little Red Riding Hood should be
punished for talking to strangers.
What is your opinion?
Support your idea.
Opinion Writing
- forming an opinion
- collaborating to build evidence
- arrange reasons in order from strongest to weakest
Focus on:
Reading Strategies for Complex Text
- How does the author use information?
- How does the author signal to the reader that something is bad/contrasting/persuading
Anchor Charts for words that tell you when the author is: sequencing, contrasting, adding, clarifying
- Background knowledge
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- Text Organization/Grammar
- Discussions
- Sequencing
- Rereading
- Tools
***Figure 2.10***
Academic Conversation Tools
Putting it in ACTION!
Discussion Activities
- Participatory and Collaborative Approaches
- Promoting Rich Dialogue
- Cross Curricular
***gold paper***
- Conversation Placemat
- Verbal Conversation Rubric
The 3 Premises of the ELD Standards
- Using English Purposefully
- Interacting in meaningful ways
Designated ELD
Is not....
- a time to re-teach content
- viewed as being isolated from ELA, science, SS, math
- the only time EL students receive language support
Designated ELD
- a protected time using ELD standards
- for developing critical EL skills, knowledge and abilities
- a time for active engagement in discussions (oral language development)
- for review of language in content areas
- for developing skills to aid in successful particiaption in other curricular lessons.
Integrated vs. Designated
Integrated: Embedded in your normal lessons Vocabulary words, pictures, hand motions
Designated: Using ELD curriculum to reach specific group of students
Language Support
ELD groups
The GOOD news: We are already supporting our ELs in a beneficial way!