- around 12 to 18 years old
- to look cool, fit in, forget something, hard to say NO
- Having around two drinks acts as a stimulant but more acts as a depressant
- To much at a time causes alcohol poisoning which leads to death or going into a coma
- wont be able to do things that you should be able to do and you will regret your choices
- you lose your job and friends
How Alcohol Impacts A Person's Life
- If someone drinks to forget something they don't realize that when they are sober again it will still bet there
-You are always getting into fights with people close to you and as a result getting arrested
- made through the fermentation process of rotting fruits and grains till it can produce a mind altering effect
How Alcohol Is Made
- Alcohol is a chemical compound that is poisonous and flammable
- All different varieties of alcohol have different amounts of alcohol in them
- internal organs and brain are not going to work as they should and you are going to constantly have liver pains
-not being able to write as good or neat as you used to and your bones are always going to be aching and sore
-Soon the alcohol turns from a party thing to something necessary
- Do it again because nothing bad happened to the first time
- They would try to find you help but if that doesn't work they would tell you to leave till you do get help
- Parents are always stressed because of how you are slowly killing yourself
- you feel like the alcohol is your only friend since everyone you used to love are not with you
- Start to shake when not drinking