Later in 1799, Bolivar studied in and finished his education in Spain:
- Married Maria Teresa de Toro
- However, as soon as Bolivar returns to his home country, Venezuela, in 1802 his wife immediately passes away of yellow fever
- In 1813, Bolivar decides to initiate another attack on Curacao, in a Dutch occupied Caribbean Island
- This attack was unfortunately for Bolivar a failure against the Spanish
Liberation of New Granada
The origin of Simon Bolivar:
- Born and raised in a wealthy, Creole family in Caracas, Venezuela in 1783
- Parents died only nine years after his birth
- Uncle Carlos Palacios died as well
Bolivar returns to Venezuela in 1802:
- By 1807, Bolivar, under many studies in Europe, decided to initiate the idea of independence in Latin America
- Attempts to ask for support, including asking the British to provide support in terms of weaponry, have failed.
- However, Bolivar managed to keep in touch with and persuade Francisco de Miranda to help
- FYI, Miranda got exiled in 1806 for attempting to single-handedly bring Latin America to independence.
- From 1815-1822, Bolivar has led series of attacks in New Granada, containing victories and defeats
- In the middle of this time period, Bolivar was appointed military president and dictator
- At the end, Bolivar was successful in liberating and freeing Ecuador from Spain
- Now having been successful in declaring independence for Venezuela in 1811, Simon Bolivar took the surname of El Libertador, The Liberator
- Miranda, the commander in chief, of the Spaniard Forces signed the battle ending contract with Bolivar in 1812
- Miranda was turned to the Spanish
- So far, Bolivar has separated from Spain Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Panama
- Bolivar met San Martin here in Peru in 1822
- Both, united, worked together to successfully liberate Peru from Spain after the victory of the battle in Junin in 1824
The Legacy of Simon Bolivar
by Joshua Villanueva