Social reality : produced and made concrete through discourses
"The EU and the Syria crisis -
A comparative analysis of the european response in Turkey, Lebanon and in Europe"
Discourses must be located in a social/historical context
Research : To what extent is the European response (declaratory VS operational policy dimensions) to the Syria crisis euro-centered ?
“The things that make up the social world – including our very identities – appear out of discourse” (Phillips & Hardy, 2002, 2)
- Meta-methodology: positivist epistemology & post-positivist ontology (Battistella, 2006)
Migration crisis: 3 cases study (MDSD)
- Lebanon: 1,2 m. syrian refugees (~25% of the population + 30% non registered, hardened host state policy + Palestinians)
- Turkey: 2,6 m. syrian refugees (~3,5% of the population, 75 times larger country)
- Europe: 897,645 syrian refugees (Dec. 2015), (~1,77% of the population)
LACLAU & MOUFFE: "Hegemonic articulation"
Discourse :
“Interrelated set of texts, and the practices of their production, dissemination, and reception, that brings an object into being”
(Parker, 1992)
Importance of the context
- Supposition: theoretical field dominated by a category of articulation
- Discursive structure as articulatory practice that constitutes and organizes social relations
-> Articulation seeks to define meaning within a discursive field in order to uncover a discourse domination
- Refusal of essentialism - Precarious character of identity
- Social context: Securitization as a "crisis"// securing the conditions of existence
- Deconstruct the Critical conjecture: "situations perceived as crises, consequently to the failure of a policy, but provoked as well by external events"
(MARCUSSEN, « Constructing Europe? The Evolution of Nation-State Identities », 2001, 103)
Different approaches on DA, along two axes (text-context, constructivist-critical)
- Methods of data collection:
In-depth interview, participant observation
interview transcripts, policy papers
Critical discourse analysis (//Genealogy), process-tracing (//"meaning-tracing": meaning-making processes)
Different views on context
Gramscian concept of hegemony
- The historical bloc represents the basis of a stable society.
- The hegemony of the dominant class saves its position in linking institutions, social relations and ideas.
- The dominant class needs to connect to different political actors
--> They need to do compromises with other actors to establish alliances with them to maintain power.
Discursive structure is not a merely "cognitive" or "contemplative" entity; it is an articulatory practice which constitutes and organizes social relations" (LACLAU)
Aim :
-Deconstructing the societal , institutional and political environment giving sense to to policies
- Decrypting in their operationalization :
1- the tensions between
- Short and long term interests
- Values and realpolitik
2- crystallization of the security prism
Dialectics of the politicization and media coverage in a context of rising nationalism and right-wing trends
-> Broader web of beliefs
"Rhetorical trap"
Identity issues at stake:
Contingent, relational and changing (...but!)
- "strict analysis of discourse"
- Discourses are formed or structured by the existing rules inherent to a certain social context
- To understand discourse, it must be put in a certain context, in a certain time and place, with a certain ideology
- Focus not on meaning and values, but on 'domination'
- 'Each society has its own 'regime of truth' according to which we distinguish the true from the false
- auto-perception of the EU
- intersubjective perceptions
// Role theory and Structuration theory - interaction between significations, norms, values and powers in the construction of relations"
-> Internalized perceptions and subconscious constraints
- Back to the complexity of dialogues between Europe and Arab-Muslim societies
// Societies"constituted around a fundamental asymmetry existing between a growing proliferation of differences -a surplus of the "social"- and the difficulties encountered by any discourse attempting to fix those differences as moments of a stable articulatory structure" (LACLAU, 82)
- 'Genealogy as an overview': looks beyond ideology
- Mistrust identities in history; they are only masks"
- What conditions, limits, institutionalizes discourse?
- Focus on power, and 'discursive regimes'
- "The universals of our humanity are revealed as the result of the contingent emergence of imposed interpretations"
Discourse analysis