Louis Riel and the Red River Rebellion + North-west Rebellion
First nation problems
Red River Rebellion Background info
Black foot and other cree leaders created an abouriginal confederacy to try and solve their problems with disappering bison in the area and their grievances, all the while metis nations were still felling weak from the red river uprising, grieving about their old lives as fur traders.
Back Story on Louis
in 1869- 70 Ruperts land was being transfered to canada which upset the red river colony which was made up of mostly metis people this land transfer sparked a rebellion, this uprising eventually led to the creation of manitoba
Stanely.G 04/22/13
Bumsted.j 02/07/06
Beal.B 02/07/06
http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/blackfoot-nation/ Dempey .H 12/06/10
Louis riel was a kep person too the red river rebellion as he was an metis leader and the founder of manitoba, he was born on October 22nd 1844 and died november 16 1885 by execution
The candian Government was Transfering ruperts land from The Hudson Bay company and treated it as no one lived there meanwhile there were many colonys that inhabited the land including the red river colony which was full of people afraid to lose there land too the candian government.
Louis Executed
Neutral But not friends
North-west Rebellion
Background info
Who spoke up?
The North west rebellion was
the 5 month fight between
metis and the canadian gov't in
1885 ending in the defeat of the
rebels and the hanging of louis
Riel Returns
after the the rebellion fell and the rebel were prosecuted louis riel's lawyers failed to save him and he was eventually executed the other rebels were charged with lesser offences but louis riel will always be known as a true canadian hero who stood up for what he believed in.
with all thats going you would figure that the hudson bay company would step in but the hudson bay officials in the area remained nuetral but the red river colony still did not agree with what they were doing and they even captured a main HBC trading post upper fort garry
The man who spoke for the metis people was louis riel considered to be a canadian hero he also comanded a small militia of colonists to protect surveyors from enetering the colony which gained him respect from more first nation communities.
A new province
The metis of saskatchuwan rought louis riel out of exile and he brought up the idea of retaliating against john. A Mcdolnalds government for not adressing metis grievances. after this another rebellion uprised and took over a church after this the rebellion started spreading out and then the battles between the government and rebels continued.
as a result of all the conflict te red river colony
did have a small win by turning the territory into a province(even thought shortly after it was given to the government) there was public land
that was controlled by the government but 607,000 hecters of it was given too the metis.
metis did not do well thought and louis and his liutenants were eventually exiled.