Essential Questions in Science
• What makes objects move the way they do?
• How are structure and function related in living things?
• Is aging a disease?
• Why and how do scientific theories change?
• How can we best measure what we cannot directly see?
• How do we decide what to believe about a scientific claim?
Essential Questions in the Music
• What can music tell us about a culture or society?
• What does changing tone or pitch affect the mood?
• How can music change environment?
• If practice makes perfect, what makes perfect practice?
Essential Questions in Mathematics
• When and why should we estimate?
• How does what we measure influence how we measure? ?
• What do good problem solvers do, especially when they get stuck?
• How accurate (precise) does this solution need to be?
• What are the limits of this math model ?
Essential Questions in Language Arts
• What do good readers do, especially when they don't comprehend a text?
• How does what I am reading influence how I should read it?
• Why am I writing? For whom?
• How do effective writers hook and hold their readers?
• What is the relationship between fiction and truth?
• How are stories from other places and times about me?
Academic vs. Content Specific
Essential Questions in History and Social Studies
• Whose "story" is this?
• How can we know what really happened in the past?
• How should governments balance the rights of individuals with the common good?
• Should _______ (e.g., immigration, media expression) be restricted or regulated? When? Who decides?
• Why do people move?
• Why is that there? (geography)
• What is worth fighting for?
Essential Questions in the Arts
• What can artworks tell us about a culture or society?
• What influences creative expression?
• To what extent do artists have a responsibility to their audiences?
- Use both academic and content specific vocabulary !
- Include in classroom word wall !
Due Dates
- Lesson plans will continue to be due weekly on Tuesday the week before they are taught to department chairs.
Utilize with Fidelity
- Submitted electronically to google drive:
- This is the adopted RPS model & older or alternative lesson plan templates should not be used.
Waller- Math & Expanded Core
Smith- English & Exceptional Education
Williams - Science & History
- Administrators will review regularly.
- All lesson plans should be printed and kept in lesson plan binder. Current plans should be placed in a folder and hung near the entrance of your classroom.
DATA Due Dates on Google Drive
Boushall Middle School
- However, we understand it is still new !
Use RPS & VDOE resources
& the RPS Lesson Plan
template for 2016-2017
The RPS lesson plan starts with listing ....
List teacher name (s):
Dates the lesson plans will cover :
Grade level / Course :
Content or Unit:
and Learning objective(s)
Learning objectives should specify behaviors, conditions and criteria. Refer to curriculum framework for verbs !
- Valid, clear, specific
- Assessed for progress with feedback given
- Relevant & creative with variety
- Assigned daily
- Inside portfolio or folder
Common Planning
Great time to bring together ideas, strategies, and resources.
Assessment part 1
Learning Misconceptions
Backward Designs assessment questions for summative test and quizzes
There are resources online for misconceptions!
Teaching & Learning Activities
"I do" ..... then "We do"...then "Students do".....
- Direct instruction
- Small groups
- Stations
- Independent work time
Only a Few Additions
Learning Curve Ahead
2014-15 additions.....
- Essential Questions & Understanding/ Big Ideas
- Possible Misconceptions or learning Gaps
- Assessments!- More in class Formative
2015-16 addition.....
- List accommodations for each student
Teacher Reflections
Personal reflection of today's lesson
Instructional Strategies
Warm Up / Bell Ringer
Assessment part 2
Include in your planning to take your lessons to the next level .....
- Higher level thinking
- Interdisciplinary connections
- Technology
Formative assessments activities to discover what students MASTERED in today's lesson.
- Exit card
- Practice sheet
- Oral Responses
- Jeopardy
Lesson Closure and Student Summarizing their Learning
Review with students what they learned. Take notice of gaps to refocus for next lesson or remediation for small groups/ individuals
Actively check for student understanding throughout lesson by....
- Q & A Dipsticking
- Using classroom response systems
- (Edmodo, Kahoots etc.)
- Quick Quizzes
A good essential question
- Is open-ended; that is, it typically will not have a single, final, and correct answer.
- Is thought-provoking and intellectually engaging, often sparking discussion & debate.
- Calls for higher-order thinking, such as analysis, inference, evaluation, prediction. It cannot be effectively answered by recall alone.
- Points toward important, transferable ideas within (and sometimes across) disciplines / content areas.
- Raises additional questions and sparks further inquiry.
- Requires support and justification, not just an answer.
- Recurs over time; that is, the question can and should be revisited again and again.
Question Break
- List instructional on your lesson plan strategies that will be the most effective and engaging for your students such as Marzano’s Nine High-Yield Instructional Strategies:
- Setting objectives and providing feedback
- Generating and testing hypothesis
- Questions, cues, and advance organizers
- Identifying similarities and differences
- Summarizing and note taking
- Reinforcing effort and providing recognition
- Homework and practice
- Nonlinguistic representations
- Cooperative learning
- Have in place every day at the beginning of class
- Should only last no more than five minutes.
- Used to activate prior knowledge
- Used to review material from previous date
Include the accommodations of all your students with disabilities here using the following convention .....
J.G. ###### - read aloud (test), small group
P.Q ###### - small group , frequent breaks
A.P ###### - calculator, extended time (test) when effort is shown