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More about the book....
* Resolution: Grubbs becomes a demon hunter along with his uncle, so both of them can track down the assailants of Grubbs' family.
* Summary: Presumably the only witness to the horrific and bloody murder of his entire family, a teenage boy named Grubbs Grady must outwit not only the mental health professionals determined to cure his delusion, but also the demonic forces only he can see.
Theme: Even when it seems like all hope is gone, it doesn't mean to give up.
Point of view: First person
* Is in a book series consisting of 10 books, with this
book having 240 pages in it.
By Tiffani Higgins
* The setting: Two towns, an unnamed town and a
village called Carcery Vale.
* Characters: Grubbs, Dervish, Gret, Bill-E, Meera Flame.
* Plot: Grubbs is sent to a mental institute because
his family is killed and he was there when they died, so
police believe that Grubbs killed his family, but he knows
that something much darker killed them....
The Book, Lord Loss has 240 pages.
* Was Born in England, but he moved to Limerick, Ireland and has lived there ever since.
I thought this book was very good. It was very detailed, and made me feel like I was in the book. I would reccomend this book to anyone who likes stories that have a evil, dark twist to them.
* Was Born on July 2nd, 1972 across from the Houses of Parliament in London. Darren is 40 yrs old.
* He became a full time writer at the age of 23.
* So far, Darren has published 34 books, with many more to come.