News ELA Quiz
Do Now:
I can analyze connotation.
Connotation: Gun Control
In a dictionary or on your mobile device look up the definition of the word "gray".
- What is its denotation?
- What is its connotation?
Great Debate 101
Political Issue: Gun Control
Pro vs. Con
- Divide class into two sides (Pro/Con)
- As a small group determine how the author expresses a positive or negative feeling based on word choice.
- Use highlighters to identify words
- Use Chart paper to create poster
- Pro - Words used
- Con - Words used
Tips for Being a Great Debater: Moves that Always Pay Off in Arguments
What is it?
- The emotions or human reactions and feelings that come from a word.
How is it used?
- The Houghton-Mifflin Company offers this comparison. "The word modern is defined as belonging to recent times, but the word's connotations can include feelings of being new, up-to-date, and experimental."
- From, "The suggestion of a meaning by a word beyond what it explicitly denotes or describes. The word, home, for example, means that the place where one lives, but by connotation, also suggests security, family, love and comfort."
In your WNB:
- Compose a summary of your article.
- How did the word choice express a positive or negative connotation?
- What was the central idea?
How is connotaiton used?
How can words persuade a reader?
In your RRJ
Create a T-Chart: Choose a minimum of five words from your chapter. What is the denotation and what is the connotation of the words that you chose?
Connotation: How does word choice clearly show the author's viewpoint?