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Okonkwo accidentally kills a clansman; he has to flee from the clan.
Ikemfuna comes to the village of Umofia as a sacrifice from the Mbaino tribe. Ikemefuna lives with Okonkwo for three years.
Okonkwo is arrested for destruction of the church.
Okonkwo commits suicide.
Okonkwo throws an undefeated wrestler, and he becomes famous.
While Okonkwo is in exile, a new religious group, called Christians, come to Umuofia.
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Okonkwo is very successful. He is a wealthy farmer, and he has three wives and ten children.
Ikemefuna is sentenced to death. Okonkwo helps kill Ikemefuna.
After seven years in exile, Okonkwo returns.
Okonkwo gets exiled. He has to spend seven years in his motherland.
Okonkwo kills a man after he is released from jail.
The events in the timeline are all very important key events in the book because they all lead up to Okonkwo's final decision. The timeline shows the rising actions, climax, and turning point. Okonkwo's fame and successful lifestyle lead to the climax. The killing of Ikemefuna seems to be the climax because after this, Okonkwo's life starts to change. He is soon exiled for seven years. Then, he comes back to a completely different environment. The changes that take place eventually push Okonkwo to his breaking point.