Republican Party Education Plank
Democratic Party Education Plank
-parents are responsible for their child's education
-no one size fits all approach
-state and local government control of education
-promotion of school choice
-strong accountability system; thorough testing system
-more money does not help education
-hold teachers and administrators responsible for student performance
-merit pay for teachers
-STEM initiatives
-ending social promotions
-proper implementation of technology
-promotion of home schooling, single sex classes, and extending school days/calendars
-vouchers for expansion of choice
-believes educational success on student talent and motivation
-believes students come before unions
-supports the English First approach
-supports lateral entry teachers and alternative licenses
-end tenure and have a merit based system
-turn around struggling public schools
-expand public options for education; charter schools, magnet schools, career academies, & teacher led schools
-develop standardized testing that assess "complex skills students need to develop"
-support choice
-against voucher system
-graduates of high school must have basic skills
-affordable pre-school should be available to every family
-elimination of the achievement gap
-support alternative learning programs for students who need a second chance
-character education should be instilled in schools
-accountability for all stakeholders; tenure not a life-time right
-reduce class sizes, hire more teachers
-modernize facilities
Governor Elect McCrory's Ideas for Education
Libertarian Party Education Plank
-promotion of 2 diploma tracts; 1 for college readiness and 1 for career or technical school readiness
-expansion of virtual learning environments for all types of schools (home, public, private)
-expand access to technology for virtual learning
-allow a faster more aggressive process for increasing the number of charter schools and increasing school choice options
-end 3rd grade social promotion and require a minimal score on reading assessments - a "tough love "approach
-9th grade entrance proficiency testing for reading and math; if not proficient then placed in remedial courses
-teacher pay for performance system
-grade schools on proficiency on state tests and student learning gains; progress is as important as proficiency
- education should be provided in a free market
- no interference from government (not federal or state)
-authority to parents to determine education of children
-parents should control education funding for children
-diversity of school choice
-education is a parental responsibility
-end compulsory busing and compulsory education
Political Platforms and Ideas for Education
The Major Political Parties and
Recent Governor-Elect for North Carolina