The Impact and Influence
The cost of dishonesty
Price of pristine used car
Highest Price Buyer will pay
- Initital difficulty in getting published
Price of a lemon
Sellers Exit Market
New Highest Price Buyers are willing to pay
More Sellers Exit
- Seminal Paper in the field of Aysmmetric information
Soon there could be no market at all
The Market for Lemons
- Illustrates effects of uncertainty and asymmetric information on markets
- "The Market for Lemons: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism"
- Published in 1970, in the Quarterly Journal of Economics
- In 2001, Awarded Nobel Prize in Economics
By George Akerlof
Less Risky
- Market with asymmetric information
Health Insurance
- Adverse Selection - increased incentives for the risky
- But are people risk averse?
- Insurance Prices in practice
Indian Credit Markets
- Differences in Lending rates
- The prevention of arbitrage
How we prevent Lemon Markets
The Market for Drugs
Any Questions ?