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In Herland they had scientific resources geared
toward the improvement of life for all, they
had that rather than the aggression of military
force and police aggression. If this were
implamented in the United States life we wouldnt
experience so much agression, things would be resoved
in a diffrent way . Comunually the wealth of the society
would nenefit everyone in need. The agression of police
wouldnt cause so much chaous and into the society.
In Herland even the children where directed and
educated to help and improve their society. There wouldnt
be so much brutality if we had scientific resources to
improve life for all. This would promote the U.S society into
becoming a more ideal place so that even if someone does
something wrong police aggresion wouldnt make our
society so brutal.
source: Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
A socialist feminist view in Heralnd is that they have a culture that enhances rather than degrades ones self respect and respect for others, they value motherhood communually they are family . Everyone in their society is respected no one is judged on their difference. They respect themselfes with their bodies, they are not seen as objects like in a patriarchy soociety.They are not treated less because they are women If this took place In the United States women would be valued and treated with respect, not seen less than men. Both men and woman wouldn't be degraded by their race, sexuality, and social status. Respect for everyone will be valued and be a natural thing . This would impact people in a positive way everyone will have the freedom to express themselves and not be judged by it, everyone will be seen as equal. If respect took place in our society domestic violance towards woman wouldnt take place, violance wouldnt make our society so brutal. Each example would promote the U.S society becoming a more ideal place because there is too much greed and selfisheness in people eelf respect and respect for other would allow a society to be a peacefull place.
source: Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
In a matriachal social organization they had clan-A and a Clan-B. They were matrilineal meaning that the female daughter inherits property. In this society they have mutual marridge between the two clans. Both clans were related to each other by birth or by marridge. They also had visiting marridge the men could not live in the womens house but could visit and then leave. In politics the entire village agreed on consensus. With the economy the society was caring and fulfilled everyones needs not one peorson could have most wealth in a group than another. For their religion they believed that after they died they would have a re-birth, born into the same clan, they also believe they come back as small children.
Source:, 2.2-matriarchal society overview
As a historian who has been researching matriarchy societies what i learned from the herlandian culture was that they vaued motherhood, communally they lived for the children. When the men entered the society they realized that the women were straong, fast, unafraid amd agile. They have comfortable living accomadations, clothes and food. The three men see the women as physically strong, thhey are fairly impressed with the way the society has been built. Tho competition in their society, no crimes, they were all sisters that came from the first descendant mother called the goddess of motherhood, she bore 5 children, then those children had 5 children had children, thats how their society came to be. In their society a woman can bear one child, if she had more than one she was called an over mother. Culturally they had children by having desires, if they couldn't have children then they take care of other peoples children. Economically they were not rich or poor, they had everything they needed. Gilman throughtout the story provodes a diffrent view on women, she shows her praise on women being independant of men. She creates an equality to the men and at times she makes the women superior to the men. The women throughout the story are higher in rank, status and quality. Education is their main thene in their society, and that is why their society has thrived and become a greats society. I noticed that Gilman changes the stereotypical gender role. The women have short hair, the men have long hair, most of the time the women teaches the men and vice versa. Also the women are more physically stronger than the men. This is the way that Gilman incorporates socialist feminism allowing women to be of higher value and importance than what they really are seen in our society.
source: Herland by: Charlotte Perkins Gilmanm
Socialist feminism is feminism that allows woman to reach their full potential. it works on forming a new image on woman. Women are oppressed, seen as a minority, and degraded in the U.S. Socialist feminism provides a view on women that raises them above the social standards and exposes people as great and capable of achieving everything that they were intended to be. It works on liberating people who are oppressed, such examples of socialist feminism is attractive and comfortable housing. This is one form of socialist feminism because women in our society don't have collective living.
A socialist feminist example that appeared in my research of Herland was that they had a varied nutritious abundant diet, they grew crops, their trees were very fruitful. Communally everyone benefited from food in the society. If this were implemented in the U.S there wouldn't be people in the street begging for food. Food would be something natural that everyone to get in order to survive. People in our society would not be oppressed because of not being able to afford food, or buying too much unhealthy food because its cheaper. In the United States it wouldn't be such a struggle for men and women to eat healthy. Each example would promote the U.S society becoming a more ideal place because everyone would be caring and loving eachother.
source: Herland By: Charlotte Perkins Gilman
A matriarchy society is a female dominant society, in this society gender equity is established both the male and the female get everything that they need even if the female is dominant.
A patriarchy society is a male dominant society where men are seen to be far greater than women. They are dominant in politics, government, culturally, and socially in this society they have established hierarchy's, there is no equality among people, women are seen as obejects and treated like objects. The males are impacted by the media and have been impacted to do violance. In a patriarchy society men have established a form of masculinity. Violance has affected a patrairchy society in major ways such as crimes, deaths, murders ect.
In matriarchy society even though women are dominant, the needs of everyone in the society is met. The people in this society are influenced in a positive way.
In a patriarchy society women are a minority, they are oppressed and seen as less than what they really our. A stereotypical idea over women has taken root in this society. Woman in this society are victoms of domenstic violance.
1.4-impacts of patriarchy
In conclution a socialist feminist society would be the kind of society that i would want the United States to become. In a socialist feminist socieet everyone is valued, everyone has the a say when it comes to the concensus of the society. Everyone in the society has what they need in terms of food clothing, care and education of children. In Herland the entire community was a family fully dependant on eachother and ther children. They work on constantly improving their society. Their children are educated to also benefit and improve their society. They have no crimes, comepetition, or violance against eachother. If our society become a socialist feminist society, our society would be peacefull and everyone would be accepting of eachother making our society a better place to live in, no violance and war that turns poeple against eachother.