Tribalism in Africa
The Zulu Wars
- 1879
- Began as the British troops under Lieutenant General Frederic Augustus invaded the Zululand from the southern african republic of Natal
- The British won the war, their victory allowed them to take over Zululand
What is tribalism?
TRIBALISM is being a supporter for tribes.
The good & The bad
In conclusion, tribalism in Africa is still going on and even though people are fighting to end it, political leaders still want it around so they have a better chance of becoming president and having power. Despite the bloody warfare between the Zulu Inkhata movement and supporters of the African National Congress.
~ TRIBALISM may refer in popular cultural terms to a way of thinking or behaving in which people are loyal to their tribe.
- African politicians can get rid of the tribe problems by promoting nationalism or Pan-Africanism but they wont because tribes benefit the African politicians into getting into power.
- This is why tribalism is seen as evil.
- Elections in tribal nations aren't these countries' pride. Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Somalia and many other African countries suffered from post-election violence due to tribal tension.
- Rwanda is a good example of this.
Tribalism and Politics
- Tribalism is the reason for the major political problems in Africa.
- In current day, tribes are still creating conflicts in Africa.
- People from the tribe believe they're superior to the rest of the country because their president originates from their tribe which leads to conflict.
- Presidents use tribes to their advantage to get into power.
Averi Langston, Fatima Salazar