University of Texas
Khaled Alyaqout
R5 Kuwaiti board
What is the pathophysiology of this condition
What complication of stoma is the patient likely to have ?
Indian 1st attack of pancreatitis
What language does he speak ?
Why ?
- Pancreatic calculi
- Tropical calcific Pancreatitis
Common in Kerela
where Malayalam is spoken
What are the abnormalities ?
Is there any relation to the hip finding
Multiple pancreatic calculi
Seen in Tropical calcific pancreatitis
Common in Kerela , India
Spoken language is Malayalam
What should you do to this patient
"as a surgeon"
What is the likely diagnosis
Do you think she is sexually
Active ?
Often arises in pregnancy or OCP
- If this patient has abdominal pain where would it be ?
- Explain this phenomenon anatomically ?
- If the patient was a female what important question you must ask ?
- If the patient was a male where would you look for a similar sign ?
- Do you think he will have a cough impulse ?
- What do you think is below the skin ?
- Cough impulse unlikely in this case
- Distended engorged superficial veins
- Caput medusae comes from the latin "head of medusae "which was a greek methology of a female monster.
- What European country is this condition linked to ?
- What is this procedure called ?
- Keloid scar
- Intralesional steroid injection
- Triamcinolone acetonide (Kenalog)
- Scars: includes acne scars, burns, chickenpox scars, ear piercing, scratches, surgical cuts or vaccination sites.
- What is the most important historical data that aid in the diagnosis ?
- Basal cell carcinoma
- pearly lesion , rolled edges , central depression or ulceration talangectasia
- Nodular BCC if left untreated will look as if it was eaten by a rodents heance "rodent ulcer"
- Name three pathogenomic features ?
- Which animal class is linked to such class of lesions
- Rules
- Clinical pictorial round
- Clinical Exam
- Classify
- Rads
House Rules
- First candidate will be selected by Dr. Bakry.
- If Q answered correctly you may choose who to answer the next question
- If not answered Dr. Bakry will choose again.
- If fails or declines to answer he can ask for help from a more senior staff he chooses
- ALL Discussions will be left till the end
What is this test called ?
Why don't we use a metal sharp ?
- fixed force of 10g when bowed into a C shape