Life History Project: Chanterri Mendez
Sabrina Kloss
Key Concepts/Theories
- Minority group
- unequal treatment
- distinguishing traits
- involuntary membership
- awareness of subordination
- in-group mairrage
- policed by seperate, dominant group
- Institutional racism
- "Myth of the Primitive Mind"
- Source of great pride... "bringing a young girl into womanhood"
- physically and mentally exhausting
- 8 days long
- around age 15
- Aspects:
- food
- paint
- ceremonial dress
- traditional dances
Chanterri (Cherri) Mendez
- 18 years old
- Native American of the Mescalero Apache Tribe
What is life like on the Mescalero Native American Reservation?
- Major Life Event:
- Coming-of-Age
- Apache Native American Reservation - Mesclaero, New Mexico
- Mescalero Reformed Church