- Avoid medicines that include aspirin because those will increase bleeding, and to instead take medicines containing acetaminophen
- Rest and fluids
- to get to a hospital immediately to be checked for complications if they feel worse 24 hours after their fever goes down
Question 4
Since dengue fever is viral, what steps do you think should be taken as treatment?
Dengue Fever Symptoms and Transmission
- Symptoms: sudden, high fever, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, severe joint and muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, skin rash, which appears three to four days after the onset of fever, and mild bleeding (such a nose bleed, bleeding gums, or easy bruising)
- Transmission: vector or contamination
Background Summary
- Nurse Nancy goes to her doctor complaining of flu-like symptoms: 'killer' headaches, all over body aches, fever
- vitals are taken: she lost 4 lbs, has low blood pressure, and a fever of 101.5
- Dr. Ghee asks Nancy some more specific questions, a needle-stick incident came up
- Nancy was fairly certain the needle-stick injury was entirely irrelevant because the patient was HIV negative and didn't have hepatitis, and she did not know that dengue fever could be transmitted by a needle
Question 3
If you have an infection, what is going to happen to your leukocyte levels? Why?
Question 2
Question 1
How do you pronounce 'dengue fever'?
Dengue Fever