The Reluctant Fundamentalist: Important Themes
- Preconceptions
- Cultural, religious and social differences.
- Underwood Samson
- College: Princeton
- 9/11
- Accept differences
- Foreigner vs Accepted
" I was a servant of the American Empire at a time when it was invading a country with a kinship to mine..." (Page 173)
- Erica, Underwood Samson, America, Pakistan
- America: "Everything is possible"
- 9/11
"I lacked a stable core. I was not certain where I belonged". P. 168
- Education & Political activism
What is Fundamentalism?
"Sticking to a basic set of principles and often showing no tolerance for other views"
- Religion
- Economic and cultural aspects
- Economic and political fundametalism
- Underwood Samson: Economic fundametalism
" Focus on the Fundamentals"
- U.S: Political Fundamentalism
The Reluctant Fundamentalist
"A sentimental longing or wistful affection for a period in the past".
- Written by Mohsin Hamid
- Erica
" She was struggling against a current that brought her inside herself ".
- Story: Dramatic monologue between main character Changez and an American stranger.
Tells his life story about his work at Underwood Samson, Pakistan, his love for America, Erica etc.
- Nostalgia = Unhealthy
- Many important questions and themes