Siberian Traps, Siberia
Could it erupt again?
what continent is it located?
When Did It Erupted?
our attention getter
the Siberian traps the largest volcanic eruption in earths history and it occured right around the mass extinction.
The traps erupted at the end of the Permian era, 250 million years ago. It was the worst mass extinction the planet has ever seen.
Where is it located?
How much % of earths organisms are extinct?
The area covered lies between 50° and 75° north latitude and 60° to 120° east longitude.
More than 90 percent of all organisms that have ever lived on Earth are extinct.
What plate is causing you volcano to occur?
what type of magma does it form?
what type of cone shape does your volcano have?
today the siberian traps is covered in snow and dormant
whats forms the volcano?
what type of eruption does it produce?
legends and stories!
what type of volcanic rock fragment?
it cause the earth to die by killing all living thing on earth 250 million years.
what is the eruptions history?
it erupted 250 million years
what types of hazards are associated with the volcano?
The real power of the Siberian Traps was the climate altering potential by the emission of ash and gases. The Siberian Traps is recognised as having a large proportion of pyroclastic deposits relative to other flood basalts. This indicates an explosive nature with much ash and gases being pumped into the atmosphere. All of this ash and gas has two main effects that, even though they are opposite to each other, act on differing timescales.
The second major effect is the emission of greenhouse gases such as CO2, methane and also water vapour.
how does this eruption affect the temperature globally?
Siberian Traps was the climate altering potential by the emission of ash and gases. The Siberian Traps is recognized as having a large proportion of pyroclastic deposits relative to other flood basalts. This indicates an explosive nature with much ash and gases being pumped into the atmosphere.
whats are some benefits shared globally?
there was no benefits that we could that we could find
who lives near the volcano?
They are centered around the Siberian city of Tura and also encompass Yakutsk, Noril'sk and Irkutsk.