For these set of quotes we chose Heaney.
His quote is very descriptive and you can begin to visualize the scene. It talks about how the Lady was pleased and arrayed with gold. Both quotes have good details.
Plot ELements: The plan or main story.
"Welthow was pleased with his words, His bright-tongued boasts; she carried them back to her lord, walked nobly across to his side." (Raffel 29.639-641)
"This formal boast by Beowulf the Geat pleased the lady well and she went to sit by Hrothgar, regal and arrayed with gold."(Heaney 43.639-641)
"Take what i leave, Wiglaf, lead my people, help them. My time is gone. Have the brave Geats build me a tomb." (Raffel 113.2799-2802)
"He wanted me to greet you and order the building of a barrow that would crown the site of his pyre, serve as his memorial in a commanding position." (Heaney 209.3095-3099)
Tone: Accent or inflection expressive of a mood or emotion.
We chose Heaney because he used words not commonly heard such as night shapes that we would call shadows. Both quotes though, discuss the night and darkness before Beowulf's battle with Grendel. They describe the feeling of the night and what is thought to come.
We chose Raffel as our winning author judging by his unique wording and the specific details he uses in the text. He was a very thorough writer and had great examples of Theme, Plot Elements and Point of View. He described Beowulfs life and the ordeals he encountered throughout it.
Theme: A subject or topic of discourse or of artistic representation.
Raffel was the winner of this quote. The plot element that we used in our quotes was resolution. Both quotes give very good descriptions of the deceased heroes last wishes and what he wanted for the future of his people.
"Until darkness gathered again over the world and stealthy night shapes came stealing forth." (Heaney 45.649-650)
"As i can, no strength is a match for mine." (Raffel 25. 534)
Diction: Choice of words especially with regard to correctness, clearness and effectiveness.
Burton Raffel and Seamus Heaney
Beowulf Comparison Project.
By: McKenzie Griffin
Zach Cathey
"Gleamed in the darkness burned with a gruesome light." (Raffel 33.726-727)
Point of View: a position or
perspective from which something is considered or evaluated.
" Now I mean to be a match for Grendel, settle the outcome in single combat." (Heaney 29. 425-426)
We agree Raffels' quote would fit this theme best. It describes Beowulf's faith in himself and that he will defeat Grendel. Even though this beast has killed many, Beowulf does not back down. Heaney's quote, though similar, is not worded as good.
The author with the best translation of Beowulf was burton Raffel. He had a very unique writing style and used that to express examples of Theme, Plot elements and Point of View. Raffels writing style was more descriptive and we thought it gave a better understanding of the events and the details that made each scene a little more exciting and exaggerated.
"Of their dead king and his greatness, his glory, praising him for heroic deeds, for a life as noble as his name." (Raffel 128.3172-3174)
We chose Raffel for these set of quotes. His quote talks about Beowulf's accomplishments and the ordeals he has gone through throughout his life. The people believed he deserved all the honor he got and was a true savior of his people.
"They extrolled his heroic nature and exploits and gave thanks for his greatness; which was the proper thing." (Heaney 213.3173-3175)