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6. Teamwork



- After watching the movie, I was shocked about how many parts Gavin Hood's cinematic interpretation (the movie) left out from the book. I still enjoyed the movie more, because it was easy to see how formations and the battle arena worked (hard to interpret from the book).

  • Ender displayed amazing teamwork strategies when HE commanded the army, leading to his undefeated record in the Dragon Army and the destruction of the Buggar race.
  • Ender conducted teamwork drills with his Launchie group (when he was in the upper class army)
  • The movie never showed his teamwork drills with the Launchie group.


5. Portrayal of Students with Special Abilities



  • N/A
  • Both portrayed Ender as a special child who needed to be trained individually and effectively to become the world's best space commander.

7. Masculinity



  • Ender was portrayed as a skinny and weak boy (by Bonzo)
  • Ender was a boy who was consistently mature and calm, even at a young age.
  • Ender was a well built child who clearly held his own when fighting up many people.

Enders Game: Movie vs. Book

4. Fear



  • While Ender didn't want to be like Peter, he seemed just as concerned about associating with other comrades.
  • Ender fights an internal conflict; he is scared of being a murderer like Peter.
  • Ender doesn't want to be like Peter.
  • Ender was timid and quiet until more people started sitting with him
  • Ender is never intimidated by fellow comrades and is confident in battle.
  • Ender is generally worried about Valentine.

1. Violence

2. Family



3. Isolation





  • The fight scenes during the movie were condensed and not as emphasized.
  • The intensity of the fights were emphasized a lot.
  • There were fight scenes.
  • Valentine and Peter were emphasized as important influential figures.
  • Isolation was a main priority for Graff.
  • While isolation was important to Graff, his physical and mental abilities seemed to be more emphazied
  • While Valentine was mentioned for a bit in the movie, both siblings were mentioned little in the movie.
  • All characters in the family were mentioned at a point.
  • Ender's actions in the book were portrayed as malicious and deadly.
  • Isolation was an important aspect for Ender to be independent.
  • Ender's malicious violence was shown at least once
  • Ender's malicious actions weren't portrayed as much in the movie.
  • There was a big portion of the book about the political characters created by Valentine and Peter.
  • Valentine, dad, and mom characteristics were generally the same.
  • There was no political portion in the movie.
  • He was never helped in fights.
  • Ender was rarely in contact with members in his army; he was only associating with the Launchies.
  • Ender was talking to and contacted members within Salamander and Rat Army.
  • There wasn't any help from adults in fights.
  • Peter regretted his feelings towards Ender and wished him luck.
  • Peter never regretted hurting Ender and was barely mentioned.
  • Not one person/adult pitied his circumstances, aided him, or even hinted about feeling sorry for him.
  • There was a small scene where Major Anderson quickly told Ender that she's sorry for everything that's happened.

How does the movie reveal values of our current culture, and how does it compare to the book?


By: Nathan Jacob

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