The Six Purposes of Government
Fulfilled in Today's Society
To Form a More Perfect Union
Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity
Promote the General Welfare
In order to be able to promote everything else that is stated in the
Preamble, the people themselves must be taken care of. The government has set up numerous assistance programs, such as medicare and medicaid in order to do so.
Provide for the Common Defense
Insure Domestic Tranquility
Establish Justice
In order to secure the blessings of our liberty to ourselves and for future generations, sometimes war must be waged in order to prevent the interference of other countries.
The common defense as in the preamble to the constitution is a reference to protecting the people of the United States against attack from foreign powers. This can be seen in the Constitution itself with the ability to raise an army and who can declare war.
Forming a perfect union is an act or instance of uniting or joining two or more things into one perfect circumstance. In the past, this has meant the reuniting of the Confederate states and the northern United States. In today's society, this is the instance of attempting to keep the U.S. together while we wage war across Seas.
By establishing a team of law enforcement officers, as stated in the Preamble of the Constitution, the United States is currently promoting their assurance that domestic tranquility is being insured. The police officers in each juristiction work together in order to bring in criminals and charge them with their crimes in order to keep the crime off the streets as much as possible.
By utilizing the court systems of today, the United States can establish fair justice by providing a jury of peers or a judge to decide, based on sufficient evidence, whether or not someone is guilty of a crime and to bring justice to the victims of those said crimes.