Changing Nature of Jobs' Effect on Job Analysis
Troy Partington
Signs for a non-traditional approach
- Evolving position
- Frequently changing tasks
- Team work or engagement
After the analysis (Handout)
Competency-Based Job Analysis
- Has the job changed?
- Is the analysis still current?
- What to change.
Individual capabilities that can be linked to enhanced performance by individuals or teams. Includes both technical and behavioral competencies.
Thanks for your attention!
- Focuses on general KSAO's
- More suited for flexible jobs
Any questions or comments?
Traditional Job Analysis
- Task based
- Clearly defined duties
- Works well for unchanging jobs
Job Analysis:
Traditional: Job requirements
Newer Approach: Competency-based
Job Analysis:
The end goal is to understand and describe the jobs to be filled in an organization
The process of studying jobs to gain this understanding is job analysis
Jobs are constantly evolving