New Name
Legal Timeline
Internal Network
Stint Outcomes
& Feedback
Hercules ... a Learning Experience
- Understanding the Main Tasks of Unilever Departments and their Interdependency (Legal, SC, MKTG, Procurement...etc.)
- Project Management Skills
- Microsoft Project
- Project Network & Critical Path
- Helicopter View vs. Detailed View
- Project Ownership
- The Art of Holding a Successful Meeting (Kotb)
- The Art of Selling a Project
Could have been done better:
- Project Steering Committee
Feedback- Sandra
Feedback- Kotb
To Sandra
*Speaking up
1. 3+1s: Each Target: Achieved 90%, 100%?
*What? (Results)
*How? (Leadership Style & Behaviors)
2. What went well? not well?
*What are my main strengths?
*What are the key development points?
*What did I not do that you were expecting?
3. Overall Stint Rating
To Kotb
Leadership style:
1. A good listener & A good communicator
2. Respectful
3. Development of Self & Others
4. Trust and Empower
Overall Stint Rating *3*
Key Strengths
Key Areas of Development:
1. Operations: *80-95%*
- Ok...Expected more from an MT
2. Vendors Reconciliation & Aging:
- Ownership (Not involving Kotb in every communication) (Task done as communicated & on time)
- Smooth Handover
- Results Achieved as Expected
3. Hercules: *125%*
- Communication Skills (Despite being new in the comp)
- High level of Ownership
- Dealing with Different Age, Culture & Backgrounds (Being Myself all the time) - turnaround- maturity
- Developing a higher level of Business knowledge
...a look backward
a look forward...
AP Aging
Invoicing & Payment
Learning & Development
- Vendors Ownership: AP Team ONLY – No entries from banks without aligning AP (payment-refund…etc.) --> Traceability and Responsibility
- AP Aging --> AP Team members --> 40/50 vendors each --> Semiannual Target
- Vendors Reconciliation --> Annually (End of year- Q4)
- PO-Invoice Matching (P&Q) --> Treasury
- AP team to Invoice with a copy of the invoice (whether soft from Procurement or hard from Clearance/Treasury) --> Control for Payment (correct payment - correct invoicing)
- Voucher all GRIR every end of month --> Control for Treasury human errors --> Revaluation rule (PO not invoiced since Oct 2015)
Unilever System and Processes
Leadership Profile
Accounts Payable:
Communication Skills:
- GRIR - Invoicing - Payment
- Old POR Account
Clearance-Treasury Payment:
- Internal with Procurement
Accounts Payable
- Form 4
- PO-Invoice Matching
- Credit/Debit Notes
- Account Maintenance
- Discounts/Refunds/Rebates
- Regional Buyer - Quarterly Pricing Changes
- 5% Tolerance between Order &Delivery
Total Gross Profit Enhancement= 401,431 EUR
11 bps of GP OP 2016
Vendors' Reconciliation Manual
Open in Unilever Books
Open in Vendors Books
Vendors Contacts
82% of Foreign Vendors Transactions 2015
Realized in P&L
AP Aging
AP Policy:
ZBC Policy is generic while AP Policy makes sense as it is more customized:
1. States facts from the Egyptian law
(Cheques expire in one year - Suppliers balances expire in 5 years)
2. Takes into consideration the nature of the transaction & of the account
Needs awareness & to be part of KPIs --> for full application
First Run vs. Second Run (Comparable Vendors)
First Run vs Second Run (Total)
85% of the reduction coming from the below Vendors:
Unilever Mashreq
Sandra Boutros
Finance Management Trainee
Financial Controlling Stint
Line Manager: Mostafa Kotb