- Loyalty to God and His Sant.
- Shriji Maharaj talks about how one should attach himself to god just like he is attached to his own body.
- Rajabhai of Khorasa
Gadhada III-7
- In Vachanamrut Gadhada III-7, Shriji Maharaj states,
”Therefore one who has taken firm refuge in the manifest form
of God should not harbor the following fear in one’s mind:
‘What if I become a ghost or an evil spirit, or attain the realm
of Indra or the realm of Brahma after I die?’ One should not
harbor such doubts in one’s mind. Moreover, that devotee
should firmly keep his mind at the holy feet of God. Just as an
iron nail that is firmly affixed to an iron surface can never be
separated, one’s mind should be firmly fixed at the holy feet of
- The Iron Nail-Devotee should firmly keep his mind at the holy feet of God. Just as an iron nail that is firmly affixed to an iron surface can never be separated.
- The work of Sarangpur mandir- Shastriji Maharaj and Soma Bhagat.
- Swamishri told Sama Bhagat to reattcah the rock with the ropes. Soma Bhagat had full faith in the words of Swamishri. So he climbed the block without the slightest hesitation.
- From Gadhada III-7 we can see how P.P. Swamishri has spent his entire life loyal to God and his gurus, and never has he had any doubt in their words.
- Iron Nail Analogy
- Loyalty to God and His Sant
- Robert Scott - British explorer
- With team of eleven men, fully-loaded sledges, horses, dogs, and other necessary equipment on 24 October 1911.
- No dogs, No horses
- Powered by their faith and determination
- Lost by a month, but his mind was firmly fixed on their goal, and nothing else would get in their way—not even death.
- Shriji Maharaj tells us that if we have faith in the satpurush (i.e. “firm refuge in the manifest form of God”), then there is no need to doubt and
- In 1994, youths asked Pramukh Swami a question during a retreat in the Poconos Mountains, USA."How can we solve our problems? By dhyan (meditation) or prayer?" Swamishri replied, "It depends upon our faith. If we have firm faith and do either, we will surely find a solution. We should think, 'The prayer, I am offering is sincere. The God I am praying to is true.'"