Real Life Vampires
Why A Vampire?
What is a Vampire?
How To Kill A Vampire
Vampire Killing Kit
Vampire Panic
of 19th Century
New England
Vampire's of Today
Lena Brown's Story
Katherine Egan
Jessica Vagnoni
Archeologists Thoughts
Truth Behind the Fear
So What About JB?
Tucker, Abigail. "The Great New England Vampire Panic." Smithsonian Magazine Oct. 2012: n. pag. Smithsonian Magazine. Smithsonian, Oct. 2012. Web. Oct. 2012.
were there other families?
Dr. Lenore Barbian of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
Thomson, Sarah L. Mercy: The Last New England Vampire. Yarmouth, Me.: Islandport, 2011. Print.
Bard, Megan. "In 1854, Vampire Panic Struck Connecticut Town." Register Citizen. The Register Citzen, 2 Nov. 2008. Web. 29 Oct. 2012.
"Vampires." Is It Real? National Geographic. 8 June 2010. Television.