- In 1920 the A.E staley company of decatur began sponsoring a profesional football team
- Urbana was founded in 1833 in 1854 the illinois central railroad built a depot two miles west of town
- French explorers built a fort near present day peoria in 1619
- The A.E staley company makes syrup and other prouducts from corn.
- Archer Daniels midland makes animal feed fuel food products from corn soy beans and other illinois crops.
- In Peoria the caterpillar company makes trucks and tractors for farming and constructions.
Other inportant information
- peoria is the oldest city in central illinois.
- The french explorer lasalle built a fort near the site in 1600.
- Peoria is the fifth most popular city in illinois.
- The first settlers in central illinois avoided the vast prairies
- By 1847 the plows were being manufactured in moline
- Corn has been a leading crop in illinois since native americans began growing it 1,200 years ago
- Central illinois experiences more tonadoes than any other part of the state
General Information
- Central illinois experiences slightly warmer summers than northern illinois
- Central illinois receves more freezing rainstorm than either southern illinois
- Central illinois has some of the worlds richest farmland
- Central illinois is no longer covered with tall prairie grass
- Almost all of the prairies have been replaced by farms
Land and Water
- Anyone who has ever tried to ride a bike in central illinois knows it's not perfectly flat.
- In central illinois there are gentle slopes that rise to form ridges
- When the glaciers melted they left behind piles of ground up rock that formed the moraines.
- Central illinois greatest resources its rich farm soil
- Beneath the soil central illinois also offers mineral resources
- Under ground water is another valuble resources
Illinois:by Rodrigo Alejandra Carina