A History of Psychological Monism
What Works in Character Education (WWCE)
- February 2005
- Funded by John Templeton Foundation
- Implemented by Character Education Project
- Authors: Marvin Berkowitz & Melinda Bier
- Review of existing literature on scientific efficacy
- Identifies 33 effective programs based on 69 studies
- Parses content and pedagogy in 11 elements
- Measures results in risk behavior, pro-social competencies, school-based outcomes, and social-emotional functioning
What Works Clearinghouse: Character
CASEL Safe and Sound Report
- 2005
- Skill based, not Character Education
- Assumes that skills are the basis of ethical decision making
- Identifies 22 systematic, well-designed SEL programs
- Children in strong SEL schools "are more likely to demonstrate good character and citizenship."
- Not scholarly, but a "'consumer's report' guide to SEL programs."
- Sept 2006 Report
- Institute for Education Sciences (IES)
- Identified 93 studies of 41 programs
- Examined 18 studies of 13 programs (7 studies met evidence standards; 11 met standards with reservations)
- Positive Action - had positive effects in behavior and academic achievement
- Too Good for Drugs & Violence - positive effects on knowledge, attitudes and values
- Too Good for Violence - had potentially positive effects on behavior, and on knowledge, attitudes and values
- Six programs had potentially positive effects in one of 3 domains; five had no discernible effect on any domain.
Handbook of Moral & Character Education
- March 2008
- ed. Larry Nucci and Darcia Narvaez
- Chapters are Who's Who of scholars
- Social Cognitive Theory - Larry Nucci
- What Works in Character Ed - Marvin Berkowitz
- Cognitive & Neurobiological Perspectives - Darcia Narvaez
- The Just Community Approach - F. Clark Power
- Moral Self-Identity - Daniel Lapsley
- Caring and Moral Education - Nel Noddings
Social and Character Development Research Project
Character Strengths and Virtues:
A Handbook of Classification
- October 2010
- US Dept of Ed; CDC; Institute of Educational Sciences
- Authors: Allen Ruby and Emily Doolittle, of IES
- 7 research teams: Oregon State, NYU, SUNY Buffalo, U of Maryland, UNC Chapel Hill, Vanderbilt, Children's Institute
- sacdprojects.net is dead.
- 485 page report
- "In conclusion, the analysis of the year-by-year impacts did not yield evidence that the seven SACD programs, combined and individually, improved student social and character development."
- April 2004
- Martin Seligman & Christopher Peterson
- Analog to DSM
- Funded by Mayerson Foundation
- Provides a 'classification' of the virtues, strengths and attendant 'situational themes'
- Forms "the backbone of positive psychology" and VIA Institute