“I hope you think about the wonder of multiple perspectives in your own experience. I hope you think about what happens to you- and, we would all hope, to our students- when it becomes possible to abandon one- dimensional viewing, to look from many vantage points and, in doing so, construct meanings scarcely suspected before.” - Maxine Greene
Born in 1918. Graduates
and work in NYC area colleges.
Disliked privileged upbringing.
"airless life."
Philosopher in-residence
at Lincoln Center Institute
True existentialist- each human being has the responsibility to create meaning for onself.
activism and agency
ESEA title 1 and title 3
Civil Rights Act VI
"A woman who thought like a man”
“Our object, where public schools children and young people are concerned is to provide increasing numbers of opportunities for tapping into long unheard frequencies, for opening new perspectives on a world increasingly shared. It seems to me that we can only do so with regard for the situated lives of diverse children and respect for the differences in their experience.” Maxine Green
Aesthetic Education
Purpose of education
Aim of education
Engagement and wide awakeness
Reflection and discovery through the arts
"If we enlist the arts and imagination in teaching, we allow students to take advantage of their lived experiences. We are not just teaching them in an abstract way. As John Dewey said in Democracy and Education, imagination is not just building castles in the air, it's a way to think of alternatives and break through the walls to see them." - Maxine Greene
Greene's Life
Themes of
Maxine Greene:
The Context of Passion
is important too
The 1960's and
1970's Educational