Mercurous Oxide
by: Evan Will
- Industrial uses, in fungicides, and also is contained in Mica powder
- Mica powder is used in waterproof paint pearl, pigments, and lubricants.
interesting facts
Whats It made of?
- Typically confused with mercuric Oxide, which is a reddish orange powder.
- If mixed with phosphorous or sulfur it can cause an explosion. phosphorous- caused by impact; sulfur- caused by friction.
- Mercurous Oxide is composed of Mercury and Oxygen or Hg2O. More specifically it is made of two units of Mercury and one unit of oxygen.
- A very toxic substance, it is considered a poison
- the exposure limit; IDLH: 10 mg/m3
- side affects of exposure: tremor, confusion, loss of coordination, hyperreflexia
- Has a Hazard class of 6.
Work Cited
What is Murcurous Oxide
- Also Known as Mercury Oxide, Mercury I Oxide, or Mercury Oxide black. It is a black, or brownish black powder.
- Not to be confused with Mercuric Oxide or Mercury II Oxide.
- Mercurous oxide is a denser thank water with a density of 13.6 g/cm3
- It is insoluble in water, but is soluable in other things such as nitric acid.
- Highly Toxic
- Non-combustible
Hows it made?
- Technically not a true compound because it is made from the compound Mercuric oxide (HgO) and Mercury.
- However it can occur naturally if mercury is in moist air, which may cause it to oxidize into a film of mercurous oxide.