What were the robots made from or of
who, how, when and were?
- Devol got the idea from Kerrel Capek.
- Devol invented during World War 2
- Through out the world robots have been part of manufacturing business.
- The robots are made in containers and had a human form.
- The robots are powered with oil or other liquids.
- They are also power by electrical power supplies.
- And Devol worked with some one by the name of Joseph Engalburg.
Struggles oh the struggles
what was the process devol went through
- Asimov claimed the word "robotics" not knowing that Devol was creating robotics.
- And Devols robot was introduced 50 years ago in 1964
- Instead of graduating devol started his own business upon graduation
- Invented things from bar coding to digital magnetic recordings getting closer and closer to robots
- Created a simple bar coding system
George Devole
the inventor of the first programmable robot
by: Angel Beery
- Malone, Bob. "George Devol: A Life Devoted to Invention, and Robots."Http://spectrum.ieee.org/. IEEE Spectrum, 2014. Web. <http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/industrial-robots/george-devol-a-life-devoted-to-invention-and-robots>.
- "International Electrotechnical Commission." IEC E-tech August/September 2011. N.p., 2014. Web. <http://www.iec.ch/etech/2011/etech_0911/tc-1.htm>.
- Rosen, Rebecca J. "Unimate: The Story of George Devol and the First Robotic Arm." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 16 Aug. 2011. Web. <http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2011/08/unimate-the-story-of-george-devol-and-the-first-robotic-arm/243716/>.
- "George C. Devol, 99, Self-taught Tinkerer Who Invented Robotic Arm."Washington Post. The Washington Post, n.d. Web. <http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/obituaries/george-c-devol-99-self-taught-tinkerer-who-invented-robotic-arm/2011/08/17/gIQA0Ed5LJ_story.html>.