What We've Learned: we are so grateful and thankful for the team we have! Thank you to the Board of Trustees, Faculty, Staff, and Administrators for your support and making this all possible!
Associated Students of Cañada College
Social Justice Highlights:
- Trans Youth Panel
- Keynote Speaker
- Safe Zone Training
- Gender Neutral Language
National Conference on Student Leadership
Our Event Calendar Bookmarks
- Leading Imperfectly
- Communication
- Leadership and Sustainability
- Certified Student Leader Program
What We've Learned: NLSDC
National Conference on Diversity and Student Leadership
- Microaggressions
- Social Justice
- Words that Hurt and Why
- Family Sculpture: Understanding Context
- How to Confront Uncomfortable Situations
- Race and Racism
- Psychology of Being an Ally
- Inclusion
16 days of Student Senate events in 5 months!
What We've Learned: Retreat +
CCCSAA Conference
- Hero's Journey: Self-Awareness and What Drives Us
- Conflict Management
- Teamwork
- Etiquette
- Social Justice in a Modern World
- Hands-On Event Training
- Online Communication
NEW Initiative 2:
More Interactive &
Meaningful Programs
- Plan:
- Increase large-scale events to two a month
- Create a Safe Space for students
- Have genuine interaction at events
- Results:
- Largest ASCC Board in Years!
- Largest Number of NEW Clubs Created in Years!
Presented by Evelyn Valenzuela and Alex Wildman
to the San Mateo Community College District
Board of Trustees
December 9, 2015
- Glee
- Math Club
- Photon Masters
- Pre-Health Club
- Engineering Design Club
- Salsa Club
- Business Entrepreneurship Club
- Digital Arts and Animation
- DREAMers
- Community First
- Computer Science Club
- Astronomy Club
- Branching Out to Stem Subjects
- Canada College Republicans
- Civil Liberties
- Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship
- Multicultural Awareness Program
- Men’s Acapella
- Namaste Social Justice Club
- Virtual Reality Development
Speaking of
Our Clubs.....
Results of Increased Advertising:
- Quadrupled bus token sales since last year!
- Fall 2015 = 2,880 tokens sold
FREE Printing and Copying
- 1,174 visits just for copying this semester
Student Body Cards
- Only 4 People Waived their Student Body Fee!
- Created 213 MORE cards than Fall 2014
New Initiatives
To Emphasize the Following:
How We Effectively Reach Students
More Interactive & Meaningful Programming
We'll Cover...
First: Initiative Highlights
Second: What We've Accomplished
Third: What We've Learned
NEW Initiative 1:
Establish a Marketing Plan
Increase Commissioner of Publicity to TWO Positions
Added a NEW campus-wide Snapchat Account
Creating NEW video advertisements for programming
design by Dóri Sirály for Prezi
Additional Summer Training Newly Added
Only College in the District to Attend the National Conference on Student Leadership and Diversity