Enhanced Language Training for Employment (ELTE)
Full time: 18 - 22 daytime hours
- Classroom learning styles
- Skills
- Emotional/cultural aspects
- Balancing responsibilities
- free program
- enhanced English for newcomers to Canada
- focus on entering the workplace
- fully funded by the Canadian Government (Citizenship and Immigration Canada)
Part time: 9 evening hours
Sample Course: Multiculturalism and Diversity
Full-time courses
Teaching Methods Enjoyed by this Cohort
Teacher Challenges
Sample course: Writing
Additional Support
Two ELTE Student Profiles
Classroom learning approaches
student-centred, autonomy, group work
language skills, critical thinking,
presenting, computers/technology
Career Development
Professional Writing skills for ESL students
Understanding professional English
Effective Oral Communication
Intercultural Communications
From Cradle to Grave: Citizenship in Canada
- Career exploration and planning
- Individual job search support
- Information about credential assessment
food, customs, values, ways of life
Cultural aspects
Active learning:
- Discussions
- Simulation
- Case studies
- Role plays, etc.
- Videos
- Personal reflections
- Permanent resident of Canada or a convention refugee/protected person
- Minimum level 6 English (LINC/CLB)
- Proof of Secondary School studies or higher from Canada or country of origin
- Qualified candidates attend an interview as part of the selection process
Assignments include:
- Complete questionnaire on privilege and write a reflection based on score + prompts
- Read a student’s experience with abuse and write a reflection paper on question prompts
- Play online poverty game “Spent” until you’ve reach a “month” of “spending”, making various decisions along the way and make connections to materials taught in class.
- Couple, immigrated from Colombia with 3 teenage sons.
- Parents trying to become Canadian workforce-ready
- Graphic Designer and a Personal Support Worker in Colombia
- Aiming for same professional status in Canada
- Challenged by their non-native English skills and stereotypes that surround hiring a foreigner
- Young Syrian woman refugee
- Family is mostly abroad in different parts of the world after fleeing
- Experienced war, loss (persons + belongings) and so much more
- Has a positive outlook of her opportunities in Canada
- Wants to complete the Broadcasting program at Niagara College.
- Fossilized language - speaking and writing
- Confidence building/Morale boosting
- Flexibility due to outside work/responsibilities
- Managing student frustration and expectations
Speaking at the same time as others + teacher.
- Remind them that it is so and so’s turn to speak now.
Allowing others to speak demonstrates respect.
- Take advantage of opportunities to speak in front of others.
- Limit the amount of time they can speak.
- “In 30 seconds, tell me about….”
- Diversity and Identity
- Oppression
- Social Inequality
- Race as a Social Construct
- Multiculturalism
- Gender and Sexuality
home and school, deadlines, job, financials
Balancing responsibilities
I- Think: The Science of Thinking and Problem solving
Communication Foundations
Professional Writing Skills Advanced
Diversity in Canada
Workplace Culture
Work Placement
missing family & home, starting from scratch, urgency
Brief Program Overview
presented by
Suzanne Nicks and Taylor Chiocchio
Cristina, FT
Jose, PT
Fatma, PT
- Mutual support due to common challenges of students
- Scaffolding is real and common; students help students
- High student motivation
- Employment preparedness = student success/employment
- Gratitude
Hello Suzanne,
Thank you for your email. My family and I are great. There is three weeks left to finish the second term of my program. I am happy with my studying.How nice coincidence, I have been thinking about you:) I am updating my ePortfolio, and I will write references on my resume. May I write your name as a reference?
It is pleasure for me to answer your questions, and you can use my name.
1) I am studying at Mohawk College. My program is Child and Youth Care, and it is my second term. Last term my average was %82, this term also it is going well. I got many %100 from my assignments. I was worried about my speaking last term. However, I did a therapeutic implementation and presentations. I got high marks for them. My professor said that I did great job as a English second language person. It decreased my worries.
2) Mohawk College did not accept my ELTE program for registration. I enrolled with my CLB: level 7. However, I can definitely say if I did not take the ELTE program, I could not enrolled my program because I couldn’t be brave and be successful this much. Therefore, my ELTE program was very helpful.
3) I improved my technology skills: using e-learn, Microsoft word, Power point, discussion board, reading and understanding the instructions of assignments, Linkedln, ePortfolio. I learned writing essay , it was new for me. I wrote resume and cover letter, they were professional. I did presentation, it was also new for me. I improved my network. My confident increased with this program, so I believed myself that I can go to college or university when I received congrant letter for honour degree from president of Niagara College. I edited and used my ePortfolio last term, and my professor ask me to show for his new students as an example. I had approximately 120 classmates, he asked two students. It was honourable to be one of them.
4) My husband heard the program when he was studying in the YMCA Employment Service. Someone, who was from Niagara College, introduced the ELTE program to him. I went the program for using as step go to college or university. However, I knew that the ElTE program helped them to find jobs. I think this is the goal of the ELTE program.
The program was effective for me because of you, you are a great instructor. Your feedback helped me to improve. Also, the meterials were great such as the textbooks, classroom settings. The Career Development course had great content. All of my instructor were very kind of me, it was also help me to feel well as a newcomer.
I hope my email will be helpful.
Program rationale/Admission/Student profiles
Curriculum: Full-time vs part-time/Courses/Additional supports
Student and Teacher challenges/Teaching approaches
Rewards/Student successes