School Events
- There will be no summer fayre on the school field this year.
- We will aim to hold a sports day of some format but this may be different.
- The events that usually take place in the hall should be able to go ahead as usual.
- There will not be whole school assemblies during the period in which the hall is being used as classrooms.
Site Safety
- All site traffic will come into school via the entrance created at the top of the field.
- The site itself will be fenced off with fencing attached to posts for extra security.
- All contractors will be DBS checked.
- Safe walkways will be marked around the site.
- Children will be spoken to about safety around school in assemblies.
What will it look like?
- Temporary toilets will be provided for the duration of the build to complement the hall toilet facilities.
- During the first two weeks after Easter there will be no clubs whilst we assess the spaces we have.
- We will send you a club timetable as soon as we can.
Aims of the Project
- To replace the existing mobile classrooms and hall with a new permanent building that provides like for like square footage of learning spaces.
- To provide modern learning environments fit for most recent teaching and learning practice.
- To provide this new facility with minimal disruption to the education provided by the school.
Lunch times
- Whilst the hall is in use as classrooms, lunches will be served from the Jubilee Hall.
- This will be in sittings as the hall is smaller than our school building.
Changes to the school day.
- The children in Class 3 and Class 4 will move out of the mobile classes and into the mobile hall.
- This will be for up to six weeks though we think closer to two if the move goes as planned.
- After this time the children will move back into the mobile classrooms until the end of the academic year.
- This will hopefully be in good time for SATS preparation.
The layout of the school during the work.
Cossington CE Primary School
New Buildings