What People Have to Say
What Do You Have to Say?
- How many are supportive of Amazon Prime Air?
Age range:
- 18-24, 50%
- 25-34, 28%
- 35+, 22%
- How many people are against Amazon Prime Air?
78 percent said they shopped on Amazon one to five times per month
- For those of you against, if any what are your reasons?
"Amazon Prime Air is a proposed future delivery system from Amazon designed to safely get packages into customers' hands in 30 minutes or less using small unmanned aerial vehicles."
- Those who are supportive, do you have any concerns?
67 percent of people support Amazon Prime Air's proposed delivery system
Is This Possible?
Distribution Centers:
- 10 Miles
- Per capita density
- Germany as a prototype
Amazon Prime Air
The FAA:
- No onboard pilot
- Radio controlled nature
- Airworthiness
- Approval timing
The Future of Package Delivery
What Experts have to Say
- Approval
- Proposed 2015 launch
- Obstructions
Why Is Amazon doing this?
"To be Earth's most customer-centric company"
- Amazon Prime Air
- What is it?
- Why is this Amazon's choice of delivering packages in the future?
- Are these reccomendations for Amazon Prime Air possible?
Will drones be more cost effective?
- Amazon delivery prices now-$2 to $8
- Premium of $15-$20
- 15 hour windows, 30 deliveries
- $105,000 to $186,000 annually per drone
- 50 employees, 10 personnel