Fun Facts about Vachanamrut
- Dada Khachar's Darbar
- Opposite are the rooms of Vasudevnarayan
- East-facing rooms are to the right
- 184 discourse took place here
The Compilers
Muktanandashcha Gopalanando Munirudaradheehi, Nityananda Shukanandau chatwaro Munayastu ye. (1)
Meaning: The four wise munis (Parahansas): Muktanand, Gopalanand, Nityanand, and Shukanand, have got together and compiled the nectarine words of the Son of Dharma, according to their intellect, as heard by them.
Library of Congress in Washington D.C.
- Jiva Khachar's Darbar
- His descendent was P.B. Haka Khachar
Description of what Maharaj was wearing in the beginning of each discourse.
- Possessed vairagya - preferred wearing white clothing - 161 Vach
Opening Paragraph
Close to nature from His choice of sitting under trees
- Location helped listener stay focused.
Titling of the Vach
- Importance - provides an detail account of Shriji Maharaj's daily activities, his association with the devotees, minute details about his physical and mannerisms.
- Largest library in the World
- 4000 staff members
- 22,765,967 books
- 129,019,811 magazines, cds, cassettes, videos
- Line up all the racks - 500 miles
- 31,000 added /yr
- 70,000 destroyed /yr
- Original handwritten manuscripts had no titles
- don't vocalize the number of the Vach but by the main theme
- Gadh 1-10 - Ungrateful Sevakram
- Gadh II-42 - koonchinu (key) - Aksharbrahma - key to Akshardham
Dating the Vach
- "Students of Indian religious history are constantly faced with the difficulty of lack of firm and definite dates in this history. But the Vachanamrut, every discourse is precisely dated." - John Carman, Professor of Harvard
Endorsed by Shriji Maharaj Himself
- Joban Pagi Prasang
- Laxmi Narayan Mandir - SV 1881
- John Andrews Dunlop - 1st collectors of city - granted land to build mandir.
- Built in 1878 - Nar Narayan Mandir 1878