DB2-Oracle Migration
- Use FY15 to conduct thorough analysis for migration
- Analysis of data that needs to be migrated and data that potentially does not
- Engage with vendor to help with deeper dive into data migration
- Conduct a PoC
- Be able to log into TFANet and appropriate content is rendered
- Be able to access Connections and create communities
- Convert existing ETL(s)
- EBI - some basic level PoC to report off Oracle database
- Upgrade IBM DB 9.1 to 9.7
High Level Effort Estimate
Current State of IBM DB2 databases
- Portal - 6 databases (Out of box - no customizatoins)
- Connection - 13 databases (Out of box - no customizations)
- TFANet Custom - 1 database (customized for TFA needs)
- Total of 80 databases across 4 different enviornments
- TFANet custom database version 9.1
- IBM no longer supports version 9.1
- Some are on version 9.7 (9.7 is still supported by IBM)
- IBM is currently offering version 10.5 as its latest version
DB2O Execution Plan
For PoC - select components from each area and test migration in sandbox environment.
- Migrate databases / data
- Utilize IBM's utility to convert IBM databases
- For custom IBM database - use SQLWays demo version of the tool to help with this process
- Migrate ETLs
- Migrate EBI reports
- Migrate code
- Configure environments
- Analyze data
- Identify data that needs to be migrated over
Database Migration Options
Upgrade 9.7 to 10.x
Migrate to Oracle EXADATA this year
*Dependent on Option 1
*Assumes strategy is to stay on DB2 for the near term
Migrate from 9.1 to 9.7
Buys us extra time to:
- Decide to stay on IBM DB2 or migrate
- Migrate over to Oracle eXadata
- Review current state
- Review all options
- Recommendation
- High level execution plan
- Effort estimate
- Next Steps