Lord Elgin
Vol XCIII, No. 311
Wednesdau, February 17, 2016
Rebellion Losses Bill
Why did he do that?!
Lord Elgin -The Man in Charge
Who is this guy?
Rebellion Losses Bill
What was it? What did Lord Elgin do?
- People suffered from extreme property damage in the Rebellion of 1837.
- The Rebellion Losses Bill of 1849 was to be made to compensate anyone in Canada who lost property in the rebellion (rebels too). Would use tax payers money to compensate.
- Lord Elgin had his doubts.
- He saw the bill as a reward to traitors.
- He signed the bill in 1849 and people were furious!
- James Bruce (Lord Elgin) was
the son in law of Lord Durham.
ensure a responsible
government was put into
government was as
- He was not racist towards
the French like his father-in-law
People rioted for days after Lord Elgin signed the Rebellion Losses Act.
They threw rotten tomatoes at his carriage and threatened his life.
In Montreal the parliament building was even burnt to the ground.
That's a Nope!
Annexation Manifesto
Doesn't Fly.
Let's join our family to the south!
- After a little while, the protests died down.
- In frustration, three hundred and eight people signed the Annexation Manifesto which proposed that the Province of Canada drop its ties with Britain and join the United States.
- It was signed by mostly Anglo-Montrealers and a few French Canadiens (including Papineau).
- The French community rally around Lord Elgin and decisively reject annexation.
- French Canada did not care to become what they called a, "Louisiana to the North".
- Also, the U.S.A was not interested in the annexation of Canada.
What's next for Canada?
- The journey toward independence, confederation!