Borders and Technology Used per Border Type
TedTalk~Border Security: Canada's Front-Line
By: Kaitlyn Mah
All Borders
T-Bone; Bichon Poodle; Food
- Dogs~Certain breeds to detect certain things
- Background Check~Runs name through database
- Nik Test~Drug turns colour depending on drug
Man detained for the night
- Gets next return flight but must be detained for the night
- Narcotics~Substance is weighed, photographed, and sent to lab
- Agriculture products are thrown into the agriculture bin to be destroyed
Background Information
Border Security is on channel 85 (Rogers) on the National Geographic Channel
- American, Australian, and Canadian Border Security
- Would I Lie To You by Eurythmics
- Inland Enforcement Team
Rules and Regulations
CBSA (Canadian Border Security Agency)
Land Crossings
- Marine Ecement Team
- St. Pierre et Miquelon
- Lunenburg Harbour
- Abbotsford-Huntingdon Border Crossing
- Douglas Border Crossing
- Pacific Highway Border Crossing
- Osoyoos Border Crossing
- Peace Bridge Border Crossing
- Coutts Border Crossing
- Mobile X-Ray Truck~Scans while driving
- Breathalyzer~Checks if eligible to drive based on blood alcohol levels from your breath
Searching through belongings for any anomalies
Map of Ports
Lunenburg Harbour
- No work permit, issues with the law, narcotics, prohibited weapons, stolen property, in possession of child pornography
- AWOL soldiers whom are usually from the United States of America, pedophiles, criminals, drug dealers, and prostitutes
- Foreign agriculture products can be harmful to Canada's environment
- Must declare food, firearms, currency equal to or more than $10 000 CDS, and goods bought away from Canada
Arresting man~CBSA officer is doing her job by protecting Canada from this drug dealer
- Benefits~Prepared for borders
- Understand how CBSA protects Canada
- Lucky that we have security
Mail Centres
Portable Spectrometer for Analysis of Chemicals
- X-ray~Can scan over one tho packages of mail in one minute
- Vancouver International Mail Centre
- Toronto International Mail Centre
- Portable Spectrometer for Analysis of Chemicals~Looks for bands in substance to see what drugs the mystery substance is made of
Moving to Ireland @ Toronto Pearson International Airport~2012
- Narcotics Detector~Swab wiped on belongings; Beeps if narcotics are detected, and identifies
- X-ray~Check for narcotics and concealed anomalies
- Montreal-Trudeau International Airport
- Toronto Pearson International Airport
Border Security: Canada's Front-Line (Television Show)
T-Bone~Detector Dog Actor
Stephanie Lum~Photographer and Video Recorder
Shakeib Ziaiedana~Actor (Man Arrested and Detained for Smuggling Drugs)
Kaitlyn Mah~Presenter, Photographer, and Actress
Mateo Piliero~Actor (Drug Dealer)