Epidemiology of Lyme Disease
Person Variables
Place Variables
International: Asia, North-Western and eastern Europe, and USA
National: Wooded and Forested areas of the country
Age: 5-9 and 50-59
Sex: Boys, Men and Women
Race: Targets all races
Behavior: More likely seen in individuals who are active outdoors
Occupation: Prevalent in workers like farmers, hunters, rangers, gamekeepers and military personnel
Place Variable
Physical: Ticks thrive in humid and warm areas
Biological: Ticks will thrive on large mammals (deer) that live in wooded areas. They live in moist soil with decomposing plant matter
Social: Increase in physical activities and outdoor activities.
Descriptive Epidemiology
Distribution of health and disease in a population
- Person (who)
- Place (where)
- Time (when)
Time Variables
Overview & Public Health
- Ticks are dormant in winter months
- More prevalent when outdoor activity increases and ticks are no longer dormant
- Epidemiology affects everyone in many ways.
- Public Health impacts generally affect everyone as well.
- Epidemiology on a global scale is Pandemiology.
- There are organizations at every level that utilize epidemiology from the WHO to the smallest clinic and laboratory.
- Lyme borreliosis = #1 reported tick-borne illness in U.S. Global.
- Pathogenic microbe = Borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochete bacteria.
- Transmission Vector = genus Ixodes. Mammal reservoir = deer, dogs, cats, & mice. Prevention = limit exposure to vectors.
- Host = Humans. Targeted on every level of public health with public health measures that are backed by epidemiological findings.
- Signs & Symptoms = erythema migrans rash in most cases.
- Diagnosis = Laboratory blood tests.
- Cure = Negative. Treatment = antibiotics. Prognosis = good.
- Controversial = yes. Some believe a cure could be found if the CDC would not cater to special interest groups like drug companies.
- Incidence = varies. Johns Hopkins notes 240-440K / yr / U.S.
- Prevalence = varies by region. Estimated cost = up to $1.3 BN.
Screening of Lyme Disease
Etiology (causes)
Risk Factors
1. Region
2. Age
3. hygiene
4. Time
Screening and diagnosis of Lyme disease are based of self report data such as signs, symptoms, and exposure of susceptible ticks. Symptoms and signs include:
- fatigue
- stiff muscles
- headaches
- pain and swelling around the joints.
- number of diagnosed cases
- OBSERVE the common factors
the covering of: etiology and risk factors associated with Lyme disease.
In the case of the previous case study, scientists performed a cohort study with the use of retrospective data and monitoring outcomes of newly reinstated prevention measures.
Cohorts studies may be the most suitable for Lyme Disease because
- analyze rare exposures, like borrelia burdorferi
- could identify people who shared common exposures
- Populations that are susceptible to Lyme disease make an ideal cohort to be studied
- Connecticut communities
- group of regional high risk individuals
- 3 year experiment
- over the phone questioning and survey
Public heath and Epidemiologist relations
Serological Testing
- Enzyme linked immunosorbent asssy (ELISA) and indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA)
- These testing are used to produce an immune response against borrelia burdorferi.
- A small community called Monhegan Island, Maine had a very high rate of Lyme disease and they wanted to lower or eliminate the numbers.
- This was a breeding ground for borellia burdorferi because of its warm climate.
- Epidemiology realized that Lyme disease and deer population parallel in growth across the Northeast.
- Suggest hunters to reduce deer population since they were carrying the tick responsible for the disease.
- After drastically reducing deer population, Lyme disease diagnoses decreased.
Late Disseminated Lyme Disease
If Lyme disease isn't treated immediately and promptly damage of your nerves, joints and brains weeks to months after initial tick bites.
Post Treatment Lyme
Disease Syndrome
In rare occasions, some individuals will experience familiar disease symptoms such as fatigue, pain, and joint aches.
- General public should be aware of tick infested areas
- . If a person removed a tick from their own bodies, it’s suggested that they be monitored for the next 30 days for precautionary reason