The Hunger Games and Inequality
By Jayden, Gurpeer, Shrinelle, and Pavanit.
Political Corruption
- The government is corrupt, because they constantly give (lend) money to the rich, and give hardly anything to the poor people.
- Large organizations are known for bribing government officals, and getting away with crimes by paying people off.
Connection to the Novel
- In the Hunger Games, the rich people are "living the life" while the poor people are struggling to survive, and some poor people bribe the peacekeepers to buy their hunted game.
Money in the Economy
- Countries pushed into austerity and poverty by structural adjustment programs.
Basically from owing too much money to the government.
- Spending low money on the needs for surviving (food, house, kids, clothing, etc.)
Connection to the Novel
- In District 12 money is really hard to come by, yet they still have to pay for all of their living expenses.
- District 12 is extremely poor, and the Capitol is rich because they hoard all of the money for themselves.
- Every District has their own set of rules for the economy. Some may be terrible, and others may be great.
- There are rich Districts such as Districts 1, 2, and 3. These Districts have a better lifestyle compared to the poorer Districts, but still, all Districts have to participate in the reapings.
- In our society protesters are the ones that rebel against the government, in the occupy movement people are fighting for inequality
- In the article ‘Last Scheduled Case of Brooklyn Bridge Arrests’ it talks about how there were more than 700 arrests at the protest
- Our society gives consequences for people who break the law. But they don’t base it on wealth or being poor if you commit a crime you go to go jail
- We do this to keep order and show people that there are consequences to their actions
Connection to the Novel
- In Panem the avoxes are the people that rebel against the government
- The avoxes are the people that commit crimes in Panem
- The way they punish people in Panem is cutting out their tongues so they can’t speak or sending them into the hunger games to be killed
- In Panem people are marginalize based on how rich they are
Not a lot of people in panem commit crimes or get arrested, mostly because people are scared of the government so they think it’s better if they keep quite
Occupy movement
-low and middle class citizens such as factory workers protest to get social and economic equality from the government which focuses on the wealthy class more
-protestors take up streets and camp there and protest out loud and eventually some clash with the police and get arrested
The Hunger Games
-The districts rebelled against the Capitol which provided injustice towards social and economic equality for them
-the districts lost and were punished even more than before the movement by the Capitol by making each district send a boy and girl in certain age join a death game called hunger games
-this was to show fear
- the hunger games is close to the occupy movement but the hunger games is more extreme and gruesome than the occupy movement
"...the mayor steps up to the podium and begins to read. It's the same story each year. He tells the history of Panem..."-Katniss Everdeen (page 18)
Occupy Movement
-the low and middle class want a less gap in the wages between it and the wealthy class so more equality in terms of wages
-The top(wealthy) 10% of Canada makes $100,000+ while the bottom(poor) 10% of Canada makes $10,000+ so a $90,000 difference, protestors feel the big inequality here and families can't run on $10,000+
The Hunger Games
- the districts are given specific jobs like District 9 responsible for grain growth
-the Capitol keeps all the goods though and keeps the high wages
-in the districts, everyone has similar bad and low wages they can barely live and survive on and are told by the Capitol to survive themselves
-So in the occupy movement, the low/middle class has huge wage gap between it and the wealthier class and the same goes for the hunger games between the 12 districts and the Capitol
Occupy Movement
-the baby boomers are now old and are keeping their jobs, preventing young adults from having jobs and a decent life
-the young adults have a tough to no future so protesting needed for that
The Hunger Games
- the adults in the districts work hard to make sure their family and they survive but sometimes the adult can't feed the family
- a child is then sacrificed to put a Tessarae where the family will get food for a short while in return for the child's name being put in the reaping name pool for the hunger games (death game), so child's future is sacrificed
- So in the occupy movement and the hunger games, the younger citizens of the poor or middle class sacrifice their futures
" The reaping system is unfair, with the poor getting the worse. You become eligable for the reaping the day you turn twelve. That year, your name is entered once..." -Katniss Everdeen(page 13)
The Occupy movement is a movement happening internationally that started at Wall Street in US. It is to oppose the idea of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, and left to struggle. It is get fair rights for the less fortunate middle-low class. The Hunger Games is a games where chosen children, from the districts that rebelled, are to participate in a death game, where the last one survives.