Isolation as a Form of Prevention
Fresh Water Pond Hospital (Fenn, 2003)
General Order from Washington?
Biological Warfare?
January 6th, 1777
“Smallpox Disease Overview,”, last
modified December 30th, 2014.
Did the British deliberately spread Smallpox to Continentals and Natives?
Washington orders widespread inoculations of troops (The History of Vaccines, 2014)
Problems with Inoculation?
“Ten Facts about Washington and the Revolutionary War,” George
Washington’s Mount Vernon, accessed November 9th, 2014.
What if this happened earlier?
Soldiers out of commission--what if the British attacked?
What evidence do we have?
What did Congress and George Washington think?
“U.S. Military and Vaccine History,”, last modified July 31st,
Fenn, Elizabeth, “The Great Smallpox Epidemic,”
History Today 53, no. 8 (2003): 1-8.
“A Deadly Scourge: Smallpox During the
Revolutionary War,” Army Heritage
Center Foundation, accessed November
10th, 2014.
The Question
About the Disease
Two forms of the virus: Variola Major, and Variola Minor
Did Smallpox have the strength and ability to alter the course of the war?
How is Smallpox contracted?
Emerges in outbreaks and epidemics
Fenn, Elizabeth. Pox Americana: the Great Smallpox
Epidemic of 1775-82. New York: Hill and Wang, 2001.
Gill Harold, “Colonial Germ Warfare.”
Colonial Williamsburg, Spring (2004):
The Context
Flu-like symptoms & sores
The great smallpox epidemic of 1775-1782
Inoculation as a Method of Prevention
When is a person most contagious?
130,000 civilians and soldiers died (Fenn, 2003)
The British and Americans differed in immunity
What is inoculation?
Smallpox Sores
Inoculation leads to a less severe form of Smallpox
Inoculation, a risky move?
Secrecy? Why?
In Conclusion
Why was Washington's decision so crucial?
Did Smallpox have the strength and ability to alter the course of the war?
Was it successful?
Was Quebec an example of what could have happened?
Smallpox During the Revolutionary War, 1775-1782