National Netflix Day
When is it?
Annually on November 20th
What is it?
- nationally, everyone watches Netflix all day long.
Why is it important?
- a day of relaxation
- get caught up on you favorite shows/movies
- no school for students
- everywhere you go, there is a movie or show on
- who doesn't love watching Netflix all day?
- wake up as early as possible
- watch an episode or movie in bed
- eat breakfast
- watch more episodes/movies
- eat lunch
- watch more episodes/movies
- eat dinner
- watch more until you fall asleep
Vote for National Netflix Day!
What happens on this holiday?
- everyone is required to have netflix publicly playing any show/movie
- no school for students
- no regular T.V. can be watched; only shows/movies on Netflix
- it is a 24 hour event
- everyone wears pajamas all day long