Painting and Mosaic
Atrium of the house of the silver wedding
- from early 1st century BC
- more paintings than in Egyptian houses
- many colors (green, red, black and white
- special preperation of wall (marble dust placed in several layers until dense
4 styles
1. incrustation- divides wall by using bright, solid colors and texture
- follows Hellenistic Practice (Samnite house)
2. Architechtural- not restricted to one visual plane
- made room look like it etends outside (columns, windows, landscape...)
3. Herringbone perspective
Orthogonals- lines of perspective projection
in this perspective the orthogonals differ from greek because they dont meet at one point in horizon.
- From 50 BC
- similar to architechtural style
- painting confined to small "protruding" ledge
- might symbolize celebration of rites to Dionysos
- might connect to Christianity? How?
- Shows gradual tramsformation to Oriental Spiritualism
- not known is this is original or copy
- 1st century BC
- scenes from Homer's Oydessy represented
- 2nd style starts to fade
3rd style- Ornate
Brings paintings into room through window like pictures. No more fake architechtural views on walls
Garden Scene
- Late1st century BC
- similar to Odyssey Landscapes
- brings landscapes into room (2nd style)
Painting from Villa at Boscotrecase
- Early 1st century AD
- confined to smaller space
- emphasizes flat surface
- 1st century AD
- creates aerial perspective
- uses all previous styles of wall painting
- cannot be seen from just one angle
Painting from Domus Aurea
- AD 60-67
- more attention on placing panels
- avoids crowding unlike Ixion Room
Still Life With Peaches
C AD 50
- Artists works from a model
- understands light
- Similar to works of Cezanne
Genre Scene from The House of Dioscuri
- 1st Century AD
- start of Imprassionism
- solutions from common problems like: attitude, movement and proportion
Herakles and Telephos
- C AD 70
- most likely copied from Hellenistis Original
- might have been inspired by altar of zeus and Athena
- not proportionate figures
- wanted to copy image and technique of artist
- started applying to walls
- tesserae-( bits of glass or stone composing mosaic) were extremly small
The Battle of Issus
- c 80 Bc
- copy of a painting by philoxenos of eretria
- REpresents Alexander the Great going to Battle
- figures are sculpturesque
Baths of NEptune
- 2nd Century AD
- many mythological water creatures
- black figues on white ground
- curvinlinear forms = movement of sea
use of mosaics on walls helped prevent erosion and permited the use of smalto (glass paste) and other fragile materials
House of Neptune and Amphitrite
C AD 70
use of smalto produces bright blue color
many murlas used the encaustic technique and some more rarely used tempera ( pigments in egg yolk)
Mummy Portrait of a MAn
- c ad 160-170
- personality seen
- burial mask
- found in Faiyum