Still the war is going on
- To get revenge on her Reese hid stinky cheese in her backpack it took her 2 second to find it
- She hid it in revenge in his room in a secret place so his room is smelly he hasnt found it yet he looked a hour and did not find it he gave up
What next
- Reese figured out it is in his closet some where he looked in there and could not find it
- It is in a very secret place i do not know where it is
How the war started
The Tapper Twins Go To War ( with each other)
- So it all started when Reese accused Claudia for farting and called her Princess-Fart-alot
- She was mad and ran to the bathroom and her friend Sophia ran after her telling that she will get revenge
- So the revenge she got she bought a fish and secretly put it into his backpack it took a long time for him to find it
closer togeter
(or not)
What now ?
- So when they were talking at the table Reese remembered that Jes a boy said that he like his sister so he told that to Claudia she said "OMG he did not say that" he said "he did"
The next book
The next book is the tapper twins tear up new york
- He and Xander took a video of her making up a song about a vest(he wears a vest)they thought it was a boy at school name jes she said it was not
- So the revenge she got that she went on her brother favorite game and got super good at it and destroyed his castle and army under the name invisible death
- He was sad and Xander figured out it was her and got her suspened from school a day