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It was developed by the Bulgarian psychiatrist Georgi Lozanov
It emerged in 1978 as one of the original methods of teaching that made the tide of those years of the twentieth century.
He used different techniques of relaxation and suggestion to arouse and hold the attention and thus get the best results in learning and memory
The intended purpose of Suggestopedia was to enhance learning by tapping into the power of suggestion. Lozanov claims in his website, Suggestology and Suggestopedy, that “suggestopedia is a system for liberation”; liberation from the “preliminary negative concept regarding the difficulties in the process of learning” that is established throughout their life in the society. Desuggestopedia focuses more on liberation as Lozanov describes “desuggestive learning” as “free, without a mildest pressure, liberation of previously suggested programs to restrict intelligence and spontaneous acquisition of knowledge, skills and habits.” The method implements this by working not only on the conscious level of human mind but also on the subconscious level, the mind’s reserves.
The teacher is the authority in the classroom. In order for the method to be successful, the students trust and respect her. The students will retain information better from someone in whom they have confidence since they will be more responsive to her suggesting their limitations and suggesting how easy and will be for them to succeed.
Once the students trust the teacher, they can feel more secure. If they feel secure, they can be more spontaneous and less inhibited.
Teachers hope to accelerate the process by which students learn to use a foreign language for everyday communication. In order to do this, more of the students mental power must be tappet. This is accomplished by desuggesting the psychological barriers learners bring which them to the learning situation and using techniques to activate the paraconscious part of the mind, just below the fully-conscious mind.
Provide opportunities for discussion and reflection to enable the participant to develop skills and acquire technical and conceptual methodological tools in terms of socio-cultural process management, communication and education.
It is an approach to education whose primary objective is to tap the extraordinary reserve capacities we all possess but rarely if ever use. This method utilises techniques from many sources of research into how best we can learn. The Bulgarian scientist, Dr. Georgi Lozanov, for example, has demonstrated that through a carefully “orchestrated” learning environment including most importantly a specially-trained teacher, the learning process can be accelerated by a factor of three to ten times enjoyably. Such results are possible through the proper use of suggestion. The suggestive-desuggestive process allows students to go beyond previously held beliefs and self-limiting concepts concerning the learning process and learn great quantities of material with ease and enjoyment.
design by Dóri Sirály for Prezi