What dramatic purpose does Friar Lawrence serve within the play?
Paternal Figure for Romeo
and Juliet
'Wisely and slow, they stumble that run fast.'
Friar is suggesting that Romeo and
Juliet are being impulsive about their descision.
And saying he is being hastey about it.
'To comfort thee though
thou art banished'
"Thats my good son"
Moral Figure/ Advisor
'Young men's love then lies/ Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes'
Guys only fall in love with what they see. I think this is when Friar Lawrence and Romeo are talking about Romeo getting over Rosaline so fast and falling for Juliet? Friar Lawrence thinks that Romeo only fell for Juliet because she is pretty, not for the person she is.
'Women may fall when there's no strength in men'
Because it was believed back then that the man must care for the woman in a relationship, Friar Lawrence was saying that if Romeo is not strong and mature enough to handle marriage, then Juliet will suffer for it also.
Like a catalyst
Devices a plan to
let R+J marry and then elope
"To turn your household's rancour to pure love"
Tragedy takes place through the Friar's ridiculous scheme
"I dare no longer stay"
-Add to Juliet's islation
The End!!!
shows that he holds the responsibility to take care of Romeo
Friar directly calls Romeo his son